Monday, May 22, 2017

Habitat rant

Now I don't mean to be a bitch but well I was just reading over qualifiers and found a few that are unpleasantly upsetting as they stop good and earnest people who really, truly need help from acquiring it and thusly ending up homeless and MTL contributing to the poverty/crime index. "you have had no late payments, collections, bankruptcies, or judgments in the 12 months prior to your application for housing", now I understand a BANK or other financial lender/institution asking of this but an organization that CLAIMS to HELP people get housing that are on the down and out and have been busting ass to get shit together but life keep coming at them and you are basically saying to this group "OH HEY YEAH WE KNOW YOU NEED HELP BUT WELL YOU SUCK!", like they NEED to hear that when they try so hard but life keeps coming like an out of control freight train.
And just in case you were wondering, my family is one of them people you say suck, not in the direct vernacular, but close enough. All we ant to do is have a home for our boys. Your organization was, what we had thought, our only hope. We had some very bad years. Struggled hard. Made mistakes, but then over the last year fought, gave up things, struggled, went eating only ramen and peanut butter sammys, to pay $850 a month down here in a crappy trailer in GC. Oh, we also have to pay power, and phone. Both which have been shut off on occasions as we had no money to pay them due to the rent. I blew out my shoulder moving in here and thusly have Dr. bills, a lot of them. Due to the high rent, I will MTL end up in collections and or bankruptcy to get rid of that debt. But now you tell me I shouldn't have fixed my shoulder because I knew this would happen and I want a house, so you just told a mother of two to be in pain and not sleep at night. That's classy. All we want is that if we have to struggle each month to pay things we want to be working toward it being ours and not stuffing the pocket of a rich person who already has a home. Think about people as individuals and not a collective, we are not the Borg, we each have a story, we each have a need. Please feel free to talk to me about my situation as its unique to me and we have already put in a year of pain and suffering hoping for your help, but life got in the way and now you punish us, and other, needlessly.